Whitaker's closes alongside WPDI Representatives from around the world.
Yolanda Hernandez Gomez (Far Left), Magdalena Nandege Lokoro (Second Left)
I was invited by Moet Chandon to document Forest Whitaker's Peace and Development Initiative Gala and Silent Auction to support his organization's commitment to empowering people from countries around the world.

Terrence Howard, Forest Whitaker, Professor Muhammad Yunus, Prime Minister Solberg

Swizz Beatz, Professor Muhammad Yunus and Attendee

Members of the Rhino Fund Uganda

Eleonora Pieroni

Giancarlo Esposito, Eleonora Pieroni and Domenico Vacca

Attendees enjoying a glass or Moet & Chandon

Forest Whitaker speaks

Prime Minister of Norway Elsa Solberg speaks

Magdalena Nandege Lokoro, WPDI Representative, speaks

Gotham Hall Interior

Moet & Chandon Team

Notable Guests

Whitaker and Howard laughing with Dean

Ariel Investments Team

Terrence Howard with Attendee

UN Secretary-General's Humanitarian Envoy

Hindou Ibrahim (L) with Attendee
It was my sincerest honor to be in a room filled with people who have the power to make and inspire change. Professor Muhammad Yunus shared his envy of youth today. His envy arose out of our strength and the immense power at the young generations' fingertips. He implored them to use this power to make a difference in the world and create a place for peace.