Ladies and gentlemen!
Just when you thought we were cleaning up our act, we went back to the slipper room for more glam, more glitz and more girls girls girls (and a couple guys)!
Welcome back to the Slipper Room
Your host for the evening, Bastard Keith, loves a rowdy crowd so long as they're not texting. I know right?! What could be more interesting than topless talents and seductive starlets? No, it's cool, I'll wait.
Dare I say it? There is nothing more captivating; more exhilarating than the performers gracing the stage. If you can't tell I'm in love with this place, and after a casual scroll through, I do hope you'll experience for yourself. Tell'em Fresco sent ya! ;)
Performances by (in order of appearance):
Tansy (IG @TansyBurlesque)
Dandy Dillinger (IG @DandyDillinger)
Matthew Holtzclaw (IG @MatthewHoltzclaw)
Qualms Galore (IG @QualmsGalore)
Ariel Iasevoli (IG @Ariel.Ist)
Miss Mokki (IG @MokkiLitli)
Professor Martinka Davenport (social pending)
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Now I love the main show. It's where you can get your feet wet; among other things. But when the clock hits 12, The Slipper Room is just getting started.
Welcome back to the Midnight Show!

Bastard Keith has left the building. But we're not alone for this journey into sweet delicious darkness. Enter the lovely, the enchanting, the #VixenoftheKitchen, Eve Starr! She will delight and dazzle and very likely berate you. And you'll love every minute of it. Prepare yourself for the Midnight Show!
Performances by (in order of appearance):
Topher (IG @FlexTopher)
Gal Friday (IG @GalFridayBurlesque)
Joshua Dean (IG @AerialJosh)
Miss Mokki (IG @MokkiLitli)
Tiger Bay (IG @HeyTigerBay)
Ben Franklin [yes, that one] (IG @iamBenFranklin)
Stormy Leather (IG @StormyLeatherNY)
Clay Taylor (IG @heyClayTaylor)
Enjoy your stay! ;)