The doors open. A gentleman greets you as you enter. You pay the man and make your way up the stairs, entering into a world of dualities, where love meets lust; where class meets curiosity; a world where anything your little dirty, filthy, sleezy, [cough] mother-suckling mind can think up, is possible.
Welcome to Mr. Choade's Upstairs Downstairs
Located at The Slipper Room in the Lower East Side
Sexy, I know.
Your host for the evening, Chris Harder delights the stage with witty banter and a selection of garments that make you want to scream, "Daddy!"
With performances by (in order of appearance):
Chris Harder (IG @HarderBurlesque)
Corvette Le Face (IG @CorvetteLeFace)
Karina Precious (IG @Karina_Precious)
Ariel Lasevoli (IG @Ariel.Ist)
Live show participants: Seattle, Ashley, Pepper and Lauren
(Pepper won, because he was a better shaker!)
Manchego! (IG @SlipperRoomNYC)
Rain Supreme (IG @RainSupremeNYC)
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So you've had your fun. You've danced and cheered, [cough] drank and got drunk. You came in a schoolgirl, [cough] but metamorphosed into a naughty professor. You're next purchase will likely be a yard long ruler.
You may be thinking to yourself, [wheezing in the background] "I am a new me; a sexy me. What a spiritual awakening this has been". Perhaps, your mouth is watering for more. Perhaps, you still feel ravenous. Good, because the show is just getting started.
Up next,
The Midnight Show:
Hosted by: Wilfredo! (IG @TheGreatWilfredo)
[ahhhh wheezing and coughing]
With performances by (in order of appearance):
Dandy Dillinger (IG @DandyDillinger)
Tansy (IG @TansyBurlesque)
Zero Boy (IG @ZeroBoyNYC)
Lilin (IG @xoxLilinxox)
Teo (IG @TeoAcrobat)
Emil of Big Apple Circus (IG @EmilFaltyNY_LadderAcrobat)
Uncle Earl (IG @SlipperRoomNYC)
Uncle Earl closes with song and dance, reminding us, that no matter our urges desires, shapes, sizes and everything in between, we can call
The Slipper Room
Located: 167 Orchard St, New York, NY 10002
All rights reserved ©2018 Fresco Arts Team