BMAJR kept the beat going
Welcome to the Culture Collective; a celebration of contemporary and inclusive art and artists. In order to truly understand what the Culture Collective is, one must take a moment to revisit the definition of culture. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition, defines culture as, “The arts, beliefs, customs, institutions, and other products of human work and thought considered as a unit, especially with regard to a particular time or social group”. This paired with the term collective, sufficiently emphasizes that the Culture Collective is about unifying the community at large by showcasing the very personal experiences of the artists and minds that live within it. By exploring these unique perspectives, we are given an opportunity to see the greater landscape of humanity as a whole. As Stanley Victor Paskavich said, “We're all pieces of the same ever-changing puzzle...”

In association with Newark Arts Festival, coming fall 2019, and sponsored by Hennessy, the Culture Collective was an invitation for artists, influencers and pioneers to share space, dinner and cocktails while recognizing their peers efforts to promote social justice and progress. Newark artists: Gera Lozano, Josephine Barreiro, and Bisa Washington were recognized with specially engraved bottles given by Hennessy as part of their ongoing commitment to the community of arts. The event took place at ODR Studios in Newark, NJ, with dinner prepared by Chef Kiki Holmer and sounds by DJ BMajr.

Chef Kiki Palmer
Catering by Two Birds And A Stone
I was honored to be invited by Ericka Regine at Daupeaire and Newark Arts to document this exceptional event. You’ve seen the space and you’ve seen some of the culinary delights offered at the Culture Collection 2019. Now enjoy the experience.

Keyaira Boone, Jeff Billingsley, Adrienne Wheeler

Fayemi Shakur, Jeremy Johnson

Lenny Correa

Melody Shakur, Naeema Campbell


Melody Asherman


Akbar Cook

Ariene Wheeler, Lauren Craig, Jeff Billingsley, Lisa Love

Linda Harrison

Caricaturist and Kern Bruce

BMAJR, Dane Young

Gera Lozano, Sindy Snchez, Ole Lie Vandal, Lenny Correa

Christene Carr, Natasha Rogers, Ericka Regine, Marco Hall, Linda Harrison, Adrienne Wheeler, Marcy Depina, Kitab Rollins

Caricaturist and Kern Bruce

Alex Hodgkinson, Kitab Rollins

Hosts Valeria Lora & Lauren Craig

Gera Lozano, Public Experience Artist

Hosts Valeria Lora & Lauren Craig

Bisa Washington

Executive Director of Newark Arts Festival, Jeremy Johnson

Fayemi Shakur, Steven Barboza, Michael Cruz

Lenny Correa, Ericka Regine, Marco Hall, Zunyda

Ole lie Vandal, Jeff Billingsley, Natasha Rogers, Valerie Lora, Lauren Craig, Jeremy Johnson, Lisa Love

Natasha Rogers, Ladun Thompson

Melody Asherman, Natasha Rogers, Lauren Craig, Kitab Rollins, Christine Carr

Ladun Thompson and guest, Keyaia Boone, Erick Regine

Leron Less, Zunyda, Henny Harmon

Ladun Thompson, Leron Lee, Jeff Billingsley

Jessica Burns, Taieta El-Amin

Josie Barreiro

Josie Barriero, Michel Cruz

Valerie Lora, Grizelle Del Valle

Valerie Lora, Keyaira Boone

Hennessy Team

Sindy Snchez

Sindy Snchez


Kitab Rollins

Daniel Mcmillian

Regina Barboza, Steven Barboza

Dane Young, Daniel Lee-Hue


Jeff Billingsley

Event design by Talia
I hope you enjoyed. Now before you go, I wanted to take a more to recognize a few other individuals in attendance. Fashion Designer Melody Asherman, Kern Bruce, Lenny Correa, Principal Akbar Cook, HBO Filmmaker Leron Lee, Chef Ameer Natson, Producer Ladun Thompson. There are so many names to mention so to all of our guests...
Thank you!!!